It’s Like Christmas Every Day

One of the things I love about my job (and this industry), is that it is never the same.  I can truly say that from day to day I never know what new project is going to be requested of me and my team.    Every day is like Christmas morning, you never know what is in that wrapped box.

At the end of 2011, Bates College announced our new President.  We wanted to make a splash, so we kept the name secret until the last minute.  Our communications offfice wanted to stream the event, and wanted a nice production.  That led to the purchase of a NewTek Tricaster, contracts with Content Delivery Networks, and all types of coordination with firms we hired for the video portion.  Some may have complained about the short notice (we had about 9 days) but for me it was a thrill.  Check out what we did.

And that is only one example.  We have also started projects in classroom capture (using the new Crestron Capture HD platform and Sony Vaddio Cameras), are in the process of transitioning to digital (I think I could write a book, never mind a blog on this issue) installed a digital signage network on campus (we use the server version of Tightrope Media Systems) and continue to find ways to support our users in their daily use of campus equipment.  For all I know, tomorrow, I may be asked to design an audio and video installation for a field house style gymnasium, with terrible acoustics.  Oh wait, that was last Friday I got that request.

No day is ever the same for someone in a job like this, and I think that is why we love it. However, I have to go now, I have to do some research on scissor lifts for that gym project. Merry Christmas!

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